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Sohar Refinery Improvement Project: The project has achieved more than 11.64 million man-hours and 9.7 million kilometers without any Lost Time Injury.

SNC Project: The project achieved 7.03 million man-hours and had driven 4.32 million kilometers without any LTI.

Ghaba North Re-Development Project : The project has achieved more than 6.52 million man-hours and 4.47 million kilometers without any LTI.

Rabab Harweel Power Plant & HRSG : The project has achieved 5.81 million man-hours and had driven 4.84 million kilometers. The project suffered 2 LTIs (one in April 2015 and other one in December 2016). The LTI free man-hours are 0.48 million.

Zauliyah Gas Plant Project : The project successfully achieved 5.46 million man-hours and 5.57 million kilometers driven in the project without any LTI.

Mubrook Pipeline Project : The project successfully achieved 1.04 million man-hours and had driven 1.53 million kilometers in the project without any LTI.

LPIC : The project successfully achieved 0.60 million man-hours and had driven 2.23 million kilometers in the project without any LTI.